Sunday, 1 December 2013

Sounds for Thriller

Sound 1:
I think that this sound would be good and appropriate to use in a Thriller movie because it is unsettling and it can be a quick short occurrence which can quickly lead to something else that is scary.
Sound 2:
I think that this sound would be good to use in a Thriller movie because it is common in the genre it is creepy and it would work well over a Thriller piece of music to set the mood and the tone of the scene and or film.
Sound 3:
I think that this piece of music would work well in a Thriller movie because it is creepy and scary and it would work well as it would not distract the audience off of what was happening in the film.

This sound is interesting and had got picked to explore further as as we wanted to build tension in out sequence and this simple sound could do just that. It could also illustrate to the audience how she is feeling by the rate of her heart beat.

This was a similar pick as our group wanted to build tension, so decided to explore her breathing. Tis could suggest anything to the audience depending on what kind of breathing.

This was chosen as another simple sound that could be slotted into the sequence. it's's simple, however it's effective.

This is the sound of a twig snapping. This is going to be at the end of the sequence when Iris hear something, followed by her immediate head turn towards the source of the sound. Then it leads to the main title of the opening sequence.

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