Saturday 30 November 2013

Key Frames

Key Frame 1: 
This drawing shows a dark forest. This an establishing shot. We chose this shot type to show the setting that this scene is taking place in. There is no movement in this shot because this might confuse the audience if there is more than one place in the shot. This shot will be at the start of the opening sequence. This shot is meant to be spooky and portray isolation and darkness because it is in a dark forest. The Mise en Scene in this shot is supposed to show isolation because of the low key lighting and generally not much in the background.
Key Frame 2:
This shot is a close up. We chose this shot to emphasise and make apparent the scars and cuts on the characters arms. There will be no camera movement in this shot because we do not want the audience to be distracted from what we are trying to put across in shot. This shot will be put somewhere in the middle of the sequence. This is meant to show the audience of the characters bad past. The Mise en Scene is this shot is supposed to emphasise the characters bad past.

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