Thursday, 5 December 2013

Reflection on storyboard/animatic storyboard process

  • Reflection on storyboard/animatic storyboard process

    Discuss how you have found the storyboarding process: 

  • How has it developed over the last couple weeks? What changes have been made/suggested?
- Our storyboard has developed through adding more shots, more thought put into each shot to show meaning and putting more thought of how they could be taken.
  • What challenges/frustrations have you encountered?
- We have found that we have started off and made good progress and then we come up with a new idea that we want to use somewhere in the middle of the sequence and we have to redraw the whole storyboard.
  • What has your personal contribution been to this process?
- I have helped to come up with some ideas and I have drawn some of the frames on the storyboard.

Summary of Exemplars

Discuss a few things you learned from watching opening sequence exemplars. This could be:

  • Things you need to avoid
- Shaky camera shots when they are not intended, don't do anything too extreme with the camera work and try not to leave gaps where something has happened in-between shots.
  • Things you need to include
- Different shot types, appropriate sound, appropriate setting, smooth cuts, very accurate editing in terms of match on action and near to none or no dialogue.
  • Surprises about the marking criteria
- I am surprised at how much more strict it has become in the past couple of years.

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