Friday 1 November 2013

Conventions of your chosen Genre

Most Thriller movies have cross cutting them. In thrillers cross cutting usually doubles up the shot, makes it slightly transparent so you can see both shots and sometimes plays in slightly different times to the other shot. This creates tension and suspense through the anticipation that this shot will be explained later in the story.

Thriller Movies often have a score because most of the music released by artists will not have the effect the directors want. These scores usually contain high and low string instruments to create low drones with short often unexpected high pitch phrases. Some scores have electronic noises, for example seven, to create a more unnatural feel using different effects on a computer to make it a bit harder for the audience to listen to so the music will help to build tension and suspense.

Typical characters:
In the movie Seven the audience is shown a extreme close up of a person cutting skin off of their fingers. The audience finds out later in the film that the person cutting the skin of off their fingers is the antagonist in the film and he does this so the detectives won't find his finger prints at the scene of where he committed the murders. The typical characters that you can find in nearly all thrillers is a protagonist faced with a problem such as a detective on a case and a psychopath who chases and murders people who is usually the antagonist.

Typical themes of a thriller are an antagonist trying to chase and murder people. This antagonist is usually very organised and has planned all of the things he is going to do. The antagonist usually commits these murders for a ransom, heist, revenge, to prove a point or for their own strange interests. The protagonist is usually a detective or someone who enforces the law. This person usually has to work out/detect who committed the crimes.

Setting, Lighting and Colour:
In a thriller movie, there are often occurrences of crime. When this happens the setting is most likely to be an isolated place where safety cannot be found easily. These settings do not have much colour, have low key lighting and are generally spooky places where not many people would go at night.

The main props used in thriller movies are weapons. Some other props are used to portray different things. For example chains and ropes could signify constriction and can sometimes show constriction and the inability to move because someone put you in that situation. Some props show what the person is like. For example if someone is smoking it could show that they are the antagonist in the film.

Camera Work:
The camera work in thriller films is different to other genres in the fact that at the start of the films there is usually a murder scene of some sort, and the camera work shows what the people are doing through close ups and mid shots sometimes keeping the identity of the characters in the scene anonymous to create suspense. These characters are usually identified later on in the film.

What must a title sequence contain to be successful?
- Set the mood of the film
- Reveals small elements of the story that will be explained later on in the movie
-  Names people such as the directors, the producers, composer, casting and main actors / actresses
What makes a successful opening sequence for this genre?
- Set the mood of the film
- Reveals small elements of the story that will be explained later on in the movie
- Shows part of the antagonist without revealing their identity
- show a murder or a disposal of a body that has been murdered

Three examples of movies where (apart from editing) all of these conventions take place are The Usual Suspects, Zodiac and Seven.

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