Friday 8 November 2013

Audience Research 2

This chart shows the results of the question What gender are you? The results of this graph show that more male people tend to watch thriller movies then women. This will affect our movie by making it suitable for both genders but slightly more suitable for men.
This chart shows the results of the question What is your age group? The results of this graph show what audiences thriller movies attract. This will affect our movie by making it suitable for 15 year olds and over so we don't make our target audience more narrow.

This chart shows the results of the question What is your employment status? This shows that more UN-employed people watch thriller movies than other people do.

This chart shows the results of the question Where do you live? This shows that more people who live in the UK watch thriller movies than people outside of the UK. This affects our movie because this means all of the duologue and titles are in English.

This chart shows the results of the question Where do you expect a thriller to be set? This shows us that more people expect at least part of the movie to be set in a Forrest. This affects our movie by suggesting different choices on where some of the movie should be set.

This chart shows the results of the question what characters do you expect to see in a thriller movie? This shows us that people expect a murderer and a detective in a thriller movie. This will affect our movie by suggesting some characters we should put in it.

This chart shows the results of the question What type of colours do you expect to see in a Thriller movies? This shows us that people expect dark colours in thriller movies. This will affect our movie by making us change the colours and being aware if they are dark so we meet popular demand.

This chart shows the results of the question What gender do you expect to see as the lead role? This tells us that we should cast male lead roles if we want to follow demand and convention.

This chart shows the results of the question What do you expect to feel whilst watching a thriller movie? This will affect our movie by changing the mood we will try to set. This will affect the Mise En Scene, Camerawork, Editing and Sound.

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