Monday 21 October 2013

Your genre 1

Silence of the Lambs

Mise en Scene
This scene starts in a forest with not much light because it is either dawn or dusk. This counts as low key lighting. This helps to set the tone of the film which is very tense because you think something is going to happen.

In the forest the character runs into fog. This could suggest that something or someone is in the fog and the fog also gives a hardly visible environment so the someone or something could ambush them.

Camera work

At the start of this scene when the character runs into the fog the camera uses a tracking shot to emphasise the running and it might suggest to the audience that the main character is being chased even though we find out that the main character is not being chased. The shot starts at one point and tracks the character through the forest for a short period of time

- Sound was used to emphasise her running. There was hyperbolic breathing and hyperbolic footsteps which could create tension for the audience.
- At the start of this scene there is minor music which sounds like it is building up to something although we find out it doesn't at this point. In the middle of the scene there is major music when she is runing towards the FBI building which shows that nothing scary is going to happern in this location.
- At the start of this scene there was a pan to an establish shot to show the audience where all of the scene was taking place until the next establishing shot. The next establishing shot was also in this scene. The shot showed an FBI building.

- Also there is an eye line match when the main character looks at the pictures and newspaper articles on the wall to show her facial expressions so you can infer what she is feeling whilst she is looking at the photos on the wall.

Questions asked
- Why was she running?
- Who were the people in the photos?
- Who killed the people in the photos at the end of the scene?
What we learn
- She works for the FBI?
- She is working on cracking a crime case to see who murdered the people?

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