Monday 21 October 2013

Your Genre 2

Fallen Analysis

Mise en Scene
- This opening sequence is set in a prison to show that the main character in this scene has committed a crime. this helps to set the tone of the film which is a creepy thriller movie.
- The lighting in this scene is all low key to show that this is most likely not going to be a happy joy filled film.
- The person in prison is wearing prison cloths like the other prisoners. This shows he has commited a crime and he is the antagonist.

Camera work
- There are different shots emphasising different anti/stereotypes in this scene. The main shots I saw were firstly a close up of the man's feet moving with the music. This shows he does not care about his execution any more because he is dancing on death row. I also saw a long shot of him moving to the music. This shows the same thing.

- The song time is on my side by the Rolling Stones is used to go against the stereotype of thriller movies giving the opening a not to tense feeling.
- This is later broken going back to the stereotype of long drones to create tension.

- The main use of editing I saw in this was the fast cuts to show the nature of the music and the slow motion shots of the prisoner passing other cells. The cuts emphasise the rhythm and tempo of the piece by cutting to the beat in the music. The slow motion shots are used to create tension because they give an uneasy sense of time passing.
Questions asked
- What happens to the prisoner?
- Does he escape?
- Does he find the person he said he was going to find?
What do we learn
- This prisoner has committed a crime
- The prisoner is on death row just about to be executed for his crimes

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