Friday 28 February 2014

Question 6 - What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


To film our opening sequence we used a Nikon DSLR Camera. The thing that I found most difficult was the focusing on the camera. This was a problem for me because the screen to see what you were filming was quite small. On most of the shots I filmed, the shots were in focus, but some of the shots I filmed were a bit out of focus. The general use of the camera was generally easy such as the zooming, the recording and the play back were easy to operate.


Most of the shots in the opening sequence are filmed using a Tripod. When using the tripod I found that getting the right height for the tripod was very simple. All we had to do was just loosen the clips on the legs, pull the legs down and then push the clips back to lock the legs in the right place. The main thing that I found difficult was when we wanted to do panning shots the top of the tripod was very stiff so some of the panning shots that I filmed were a bit shaky and jumpy.

SD Card
When we filmed our opening sequence we used a SD Card to store our film between filming the footage and uploading the footage. Although some cameras have internal storage we wanted to be sure we could film in high quality and not run out of memory space so we used a SD Card.

Premier Pro

To edit our opening sequence we used Adobe Premier Pro. This software was relatively easy to use on a basic level. I could easily import videos and audio, edit this audio and video, add effects and transitions on the video and use multiple tracks for overlapping shots and multiple audio tracks to put each part of audio on so we could get a balanced mix with the music and the sound effects that were playing in our opening sequence. When I was editing I wanted to automate one of the features. I found this a problem because at first I could only change the setting for the whole clip. I overcame this problem by using the pen tool to draw two points on the orange line on the clip in the arranger window and then moving the points to make a line so the setting changes automatically.


During the making of this opening sequence I used the website to make various blog posts about different aspects of the opening sequence. I found blogger easy to use and I faced no difficulties when using it.

Slide Share
To keep my blog interesting I used some visual presentations. One of the visual presentations I used was Slide Share. This site allows you to upload presentations to the internet and share them on various different websites. You can put your presentations on different websites by copying and pasting the embed code in the correct place. On blogger you have to paste it in the HTML section of the blog post editor. I found Slide Share easy to use because all you had to do was upload a power-point presentation and copy and paste the embed code and you're done.

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