Tuesday, 10 December 2013


This is our groups anamatic for our opening sequence. in this sequence we used the font Caslon Red 84. we used this font because it is not too out standing but it is easy to see so it will portray the information effectively and it will also not distract the audience too much from the opening sequence.
We have positioned the titles in the corners of the frames so they are not too distracting for the audience.

Discussion of the Anamatic
In our anamatic we have not yet added any other transitions between shots other than cuts and we have also not decided the name of our film and we have not yet put it in the anamatic because of time. In our anamatic I liked two shot in particular.
I like this shot because when we film it in low key lighting in a forest I think it will be scary and spooky and it will help to set the scene and the tone for our opening sequence which is in the Thriller genre.
I like this shot because I think it will be very dramatic when the camera travels from the feet of the person to the head to show the character, suggest to the audience what her character might be like and to suggest what has happened to the character in the past.

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