Thursday 3 October 2013


Memento opening sequence

Music is used in this opening sequence to create tension and suspicion. The music in this opening sequence is a slow piece of music with long drones so it doesn't draw too much attention.

The main pieces of editing in this sequence are the rewind shot, the black and white shots and the slow zoom in. the rewind shot just shows the scene from the end to the beginning.

Some of the shots are in black and white. This shows the audience that this has happened in the past and it shows the audience that it is a different story line.

There is a slow zoom in this scene. The shot starts here.
And ends here.
This zoom shows the importance of this place and it also suggests to the audience that some form of action is going to happen.

Mise En Scene:
The main use of Mise En Scene is the use of low key lighting in the scene where Teddy is killed.
This use of low key lighting suggests someone is going to die in this scene.

Camera work:
A point of view shot is used in this scene.
 This shot shows the audience what the main character in this scene is seeing. This shows the audience that they should support the character who is killing the other character and it also makes the audience more empathetic with the main character because you are looking at what the main character is looking at.

Another piece of camera work in this scene is the use of angles when the shots are being taken.

These shots show the amount of power each of these characters have in this situation. The shot from the low angle shows that the person with the gun has the most power in this scene and the shot from the high angle shows that the person on the floor doesn't have as much power as the person with the gun.
Questions Asked:
- Why does Leonard have memory problems?
- How did he get to the hotel room?
- What happened before this murder took place?
- Why did Teddy kill Leonard's wife?

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